Completed Projects
Belbari-Chauharwaha Road Project is about strengthening of Belbari-ChaurahawaRoad, Km 165+550 to Km 218+300. The main employer / client is DoR, Project Directorate ADB, Bishalnagar, Kathmandu. The overall contract value of works is NRs. 395,158,726.50, inclusive of vat. Belbari-Chaurahawa Road is a part of the East-West Highway (EWH-HO1), which connects the eastern and western borders of Nepal at Kakarbhitta and Mahakali, with a total length of 1028km. This EWH forms the backbone of the Stragegic Road Network (SRN) of Nepal; furthermore, it constitutes a part of Asian highway, and hence is of regional importance as well. With reference to Ch. 0+000 at Kakarbhitta, the eastern border of Nepal, the total length of Belbari – Chaurahawa Road is 140km from Ch. 78+000 to Ch. 218+000. The works under this Contract consist of strengthening of the existing pavement on abou 2km sections of the road from Ch.165+550 to Ch.165+550,Ch. 168+920 to 171+820, Ch172+920 to 175+500 and Ch 205+900 to 218+300 Here, the Summary Description of the main works is presented as follows:
(i) Scarifying the existing pavement
(ii) Laying of Sub-base, etc., as required
(iii) Construction of 50mm thick asphalt concrete pavement and 10mm thick SBST on 7m width carriageway
(iv) Construction of DBST on 1.75m with shoulders on either side of the carriageway
(v) Accommodation of traffic during construction
(vi) Other Ancillary works
Road Pavement Works Belbari-Chauharwaha Road Project